From Our Family to Yours!
Thank you so much for stopping by! My name is Kate and we are honored and blessed to have you here. A little bit about me and our story: I love Jesus, my hubby and our three wild babes. I am passionate about empowering families with education, resources, support, encouragement and love to make informed steps towards proactive health and wellness. Our goal is share God's blessing one drop at a time!
Our homemade elderberry syrup is made with loving using only organic elderberries, raw and local honey and immune supporting vitality essential oils that are GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe for ingestion) by the FDA.
We're located in Chester County, PA (serving surrounding areas: Pottstown, Gilbertsville, Boyertown, Phoenixville, Collegeville and more!) and available for local pick-up or we do ship nationwide!
Why Essentially Blessed Elderberry Syrup?
What does the National Institute of Health say?
Elderberry Syrup has been proven to reduce cold and flu duration by 2-4 days as well as decrease the severity of symptoms and medication required to treat symptoms. Elderberry syrup has also been proven to be more beneficial then Tamiflu, the medication you are given when you test + for flu in the hospital.
Why Elderberries?
The extract of elderberries bind to cold and flu cells and block them from entering your health cells. They are rich in Vitamins A, B and C and known to have high antioxidant activity. The bioflavonoids and other proteins in the berry destroy the ability of a cold or flu virus to infect a cell. Elderberries have been used as a traditional cold and flu rememdy for 100's of years!
Why Raw + Local Honey?
Raw honey is antibacterial and antifungal and it is fueled with phytonutrients and antioxidants. When honey is processed, pasteurized and filtered, it loses these properties which are so powerful for your health. Local honey contains bee pollen from your local bees that may be able to help those with seasonal allergies.
Why Essential Oils?
100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils are able to permeate cell walls to cleanse and detoxify cells from the inside out. Our essential oils are GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe for ingestion) by the FDA.